Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tricia's Guide to Healthy Living

As I was making lunch today (whole wheat pita, stuffed with deli thin ham, spinach, hummus, tomatoes, and some crumbled co-jack with a little yogurt alongside) I was thinking about the choices that I make on a regular basis that promote a healthy living lifestyle.

When I was a young teen my mom went on a diet. It was kind of amazing, super low calories, but balanced for the most part. And yes, she lost a lot of weight. But that's not the point. The point is I began to recognize what things were better for my body, and what things were not so good.

I started eating toast with no butter on it. I cut way back on candy and high sugar/saturated fats desserts. I began to make changes in my lifestyle to promote feeling healthy. That was the beginning.

Then I got married. (Ok, there was a lot of life between those times, but it's not really central to this storyline). Let's just say that when I got married and was in control of my own (VERY tiny) kitchen, that healthy lifestyle stayed with me and began to take over.

So here are things that I've learned and am employing:

1.) Learn to recognize things that make you feel good in the long term. Yes, candy/chocolate/ice cream whatever may have a temporary euphoric effect, but notice how you feel the downer at the end of that high. Recognize how it doesn't really satisfy you. Realize what it does to your body.

Alternately, when eating a well rounded meal, plenty of fruits and delicious veggies, think about how your body feels. Recognize when you have more energy. Notice how you don't feel all bloated and oily? Yep, that's thanks to a balanced diet!

2.) If you can't make time to work out, work out in the small things. I like to carry my groceries in a basket, even if I fill it to the max and my arms are aching by the time I get to the check out isle. If I'm on a car trip and can't move around I'll dance in the seat and at least do some mini ab crunches. I am really blessed in that one of my jobs is teaching little kids to dance. So of course I take every opportunity to dance with them! If exercise wears you out or seems dull or you knees have tendonitis and you can't trust them all the time, find what works for your body and interests and DO IT!

3.) Don't stress!!! My favorite tv show ever (IT Crowd, a UK show about people that work in an IT department) has a really hilarious episode about this. The boss is yelling his employees and it's ridiculous, because really, you can't tell someone to not be stressed. You have to create a low stress environment, etc. But really, stress is really damaging to your health! If something is stressing you out maybe prayer is your answer? (This is esp. helpful if it's more of a person or people that are causing the stress, because people need love and prayer. Even annoying stress causing people. Especially annoying/stress causing people.) Also, just recognizing the cause of your stress can be helpful, since it's easier to address. Music and meditation, and sometimes for me the complete absence of noise when possible is helpful.

4.) Sleep as much as you need it! People often put sleep too low on the list of healthy living priorities. Funnily enough, stress causes sleeplessness, but sleeplessness also can cause stress.

5.) Don't take yourself, your expectations of what you hope to accomplish, others, etc... too seriously. Laugh a lot. Put yourself in funny situations. Appreciate humor, even if you have to sink to schtick.

6.) Help other people. In helping other people you'll make them feel good about the world, in making other people feel good about the world, you'll start to feel better about it as well.

7.) Explore your soul and spirit's needs. I recognize that I need God. I realize that He loves me. It humbles me when I am prideful, and it strengthens me when I am weak.

So yeah, I don't always follow all these things, and I find myself not always living a healthy lifestyle, and there are things that it's easy for me to do, but not as easy for you... and that's fine. That's balanced. Healthy even.

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