Monday, May 3, 2010

My brain: the octopus with too many tenacles in too many places

So I'm putting off doing this weekend's dishes just a little bit longer to write and do something I *want* to do today, as opposed to something I *have* to do. Granted, some of the things I had to do were fun in their own way, but still doing something you don't *have* to do, but just *want* to do, when the *have to*s are pressing just feels so damn rebellious, you know?

Therefore, I play my turn in my Scrabble games on Facebook, and write my own blog. This week (and last several weeks leading up to this week) is quite hectic. Actually I've been using the term "Hellacious". Maybe a bit of an overstatement, but yeah...
I'm trying not to go crazy, or be frustrated, or stressed, etc. I remember when I was young and discovered that I can "choose" my attitude. So I'm trying to be intentional about being patient, filled with grace, thankfulness, etc. We'll ask Jeff at the end of the week how well that was accomplished.

Items on my agenda:
-Making sure that the parents of my 48 dancers know all the details of where to be, when, what to wear, bring, etc for the dress rehearsal Thursday, the rehearsal and performance Friday at First Fridays, and the recital itself Saturday.

-With my own dance practices, classes, plus classes/rehearsals I'm teaching, dancing every day this week totalling around 10 hours

-Finalizing costuming for 5 dances despite dance wear companies not sending me the right stuff. (I literally opened what was supposed to be a huge box of sombreros and mini American flags that I recieved on Saturday only to find a couple of "garden kneelers"... I'm not kidding!)

-Writing up all the recital info for the programs etc

-Finding the right new breadmaker for me and ordering it so I can at least have the comfort of homemade bread again

-Oh yeah, teaching in my Montessori school.

-Memorizing several Middle Eastern dances' choreography, learning the camel, balade, karsh lama, and all kinds of unnamed twisty, curvy movements that my body is so unused to.

So, what am I thankful for this week? I'm thankful for my church, Downtown @808. My peeps there have really been speaking a lot of challenging truths into my life. This weeks' passage was 1 Peter 3:8-22. There was a lot of interesting discussion that went on about it, but I really am hanging on to this tidbit "Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble." I mean, really, can you imagine a world like that? Where everyone is sympathetic to the needs of the people around them? Where we are all filled with compassion and humility?

Aside from that, I'm really thankful to learn that Chamberlain, one of my favorite bands of all time is going on tour again this summer!! They're officially retired (and have been for the past several years) but their lead singer/songwriter put out an album (David Moore "My Lover, My Stranger") last year that I really loved too. So anyway, that's something I'm really looking forward to in June. (I'll post more thankfulness about them later)

Okay, I also have to admit, I'm pretty thankful for my crazy inducing jobs. Teaching dance classes and Montessori is really hugely enjoyable and I really love having a "profession" that allows me to make such a positive impact in the world.

Ok, back to the grindstone...well, the dishes anyway. Maybe I'll listen to some Chamberlain while I wash.