Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thanks friends

I'm still a little bit amazed when I think about my thirtieth birthday. Somehow my husband managed to pull off a complete surprise party, even though I was suspicious he might try. I knew I was going to dinner with mom and dad, and then lo' and behold! There was everyone at Jade Garden!

So this is a thanks to Mom and Dad. I wouldn't be here without them. And they, of all people, have had the most influence on making me who I am. I love them both so much.

Thanks to Norma and Paul. They've been there for mom and dad over the years. I've always respected them both and appreciate their influence in my early years of Sunday School and youth group.

Thanks to Papa and Edna. Papa has always been a good grandfather to me. And Edna is the perfect "help-mate" to Papa. I'm so glad he has her, and I'm so glad I have her too.

Thanks to Myriah, Mike, Margaux, and Ender. Myriah's been my closest friend for many years. We've been through hell and back together and I love her like the sister I never had. Margaux and Ender are the cutest little cuties. Mike has been Jeff's friend for ages, a real funny guy, and if it weren't for his friendship w/ Jeff, we would've never re-met at Jeff's b-day party so many years ago, and may not be married now!

Thanks to Ruth J., who once invited me to a girl's jewelry party at her house, and thus began our burgeoning friendship. She's enthusiastic, charismatic, and brave, something I really admire in her.

Thanks to Brooke, who is always interesting me in new cooking challenges, and has introduced me to one of my favorite games (Munchkin), favorite tv shows (IT Crowd), etc etc. She is another brave, confident, and all around inspiring person. She's moving to Nebraska soon and I'm really going to miss her. Though thankfully, we'll always have the internet.

Thanks to Christina, who I met through Brooke, and am so glad I did. She's hilarious, quirky, and just the right amount of extro/introvert. I am usually laughing when I'm with her, because she's the kind of person that makes a dull day seem brighter.

Thanks to Scott, who always has something witty to say and is the official bringer of drinks to almost all of our social events. He also loaned me his truck when Jeff didn't have his new car yet and had to use my car for work. He's a very giving and caring person.

Thanks to Jess and Chad. Jess has cut my hair according to my exact specifications for many years, without complaining that I never do anything new. She's also a funny, candid person, and I appreciate her openness and honesty. Chad has the marvelous ability to appreciate and laugh at even the lamest jokes and puns, which makes him fun to be around.

Thanks to Myron and Dana. I probably can't even begin to cover what they've done for me, my church, our little Goshen community. They are true, honest, and humble people. Myron's been my pastor longer than anyone else, and they were our premarital councilors. Aside from all of that, they're just fun, easy-going people that I greatly enjoy spending time with.

Thanks to Chelle and Ben. Ben has been one of Jeff's accountability partners for awhile now, and Chelle just moved here recently, but I already feel like she's an old friend. She's wonderfully easy to talk to and has an innate creative energy. Ben's a fairly quiet person, but when he does have something to say, it's nearly always either profound, or funny. Sometimes both.

Thanks to Adam, who is one of our longest standing "poker buddies". We've shared many journey's, long and short for various poker events with Adam and there's something about that that binds people together in a way. We've shared victories and defeats, sometimes both in the same night. Plus Adam has that kind of sarcastic/contrary humor that always hits my funny bone.

Then of course, I have to thank my husband, my friend, my confidant, Jeff, who, along with my mom, brought everyone together for the evening. Jeff has been my husband for almost three years, and my friend for much longer. Mike and Myriah used to tease us about each other when we were totally platonic, turns out they were right, if just a bit early. =} We share so much together and seem to become more alike the longer we're together, but I can't imagine life without him. I'm thankful for his humor, his passion, his wit, and wisdom, and just him in general.

Ok, I think that's enough gushing for one day. *wry grin*